【键盘侠】KD曾调侃球员抱团|哈登成老大篮网成超级球队 KD图啥

文章来源:章鱼直播发布日期:2021-03-28 19:35

Kevin Durant back in 2010 with a tweet poking fun at guys wanting to team up and form a super team. Now...


Now everybody wanna play for the heat and the Lakers? Let's go back to being competitive and going at these peoples!

Lmao. Dude wants to have his own team with Kyrie, couldn’t even last 3 months. Harden, Blake and now Aldridge. Lol.




[–][NYK] Derrick RoseHeroGolem3 1822 指標 10小時前

Relevant in 2016 and still relevant now lmao


[–]SupersonicsHQuasar 310 指標 9小時前

Relevant in 2011 and still relevant now too


[–]RaptorsFenixRaynor 327 指標 6小時前

I get KD. In 1993 I thought girls were gross

Sometimes we are young and immature and we idealize things too much. But then a Golden haired babysitter comes along and you question what you ever really knew.


[–]ThunderHanditoSupreme 226 指標 9小時前

Watch him TRY to back to Presti in 5 years for the vet min after the 34 picks have been drafted...try


[–]SunsGraduallyHotDog 78 指標 8小時前

No way yall wouldnt take him back though right?


[–]76ersWhiteNoiseReddit 131 指標 7小時前

In a heartbeat and this same guy would be raving about it constantly lol


[–]ZestyBlankets 16 指標 6小時前

Will he be worth having on a roster in five years? He'd be 37 and he's had his fair share of injuries. Who knows what he'll be like then?


[–]Raptorsimsahoamtiskaw 26 指標 6小時前*

We'll take him. On a vet min or a team friendly deal let's say. Still a guaranteed 10 to 15 points at least. KD's game is the kind of game to age gracefully. Combine that with the fact that he's the best scorer ever and 7ft tall, all you gotta do is have him stand in certain spots and have at least 2 more legit threats on the court.


[–]76ersWhiteNoiseReddit 29 指標 6小時前

I agree with this. Kyle Korver played 20+ playoff minutes in 2 straight finals runs at ages 35 and 36. A little ridiculous to think KD couldn’t lmao


[–]TimberwolvesNorthstars97 7 指標 5小時前

With his body type and height no way he last that long playing. He's already been riddled with injuries. Just how that goes


[–]CavaliersSaxRohmer 2 指標 5小時前

That stroke is eternal. Idk if he’d ever be willing to accept a diminished role though


[–]fortuna75 19 指標 8小時前*

Well he got a lot of hate back in 2017, now not so much.

Wonder why that is (honestly.. why?)


[–]Mavericksambiguousspark343 109 指標 8小時前

the first time people were shocked. this time, it’s just like, yeah, this is what kevin durant does.


[–]ruinatex 56 指標 7小時前

Well, it does help that LaMarcus Aldridge and Blake, while big names, aren't the players they used to be, there's a reason those got picked up in the buyout market.

KD formed his own squad, it's not his fault everybody wants to play with him for a shot at a title, what was he supposed to do? Say no? If Aldridge and Blake wanted to join the Lakers you could bet your ass that LeBron would welcome them with open arms and this sub wouldn't say shit.



[–]justanotherboyy 38 指標 7小時前

He literally begged Harden to demand a trade to his team this summer and thats why that rockets roster was torn apart. Say what you will about Lebron and him "creating" superteams" but he didn't make AD come to LA. AD already wanted to come to LA 2 years before his contract ended and they made a trade. Harden tanked all his value by partying during Covid and literally shitting on his team for not being "good enough" so they had to trade him away. Not even the same thing.

If anything, he pulled a Kawhi like he did with PG. Not Lebron


[–]kozy8805 27 指標 7小時前

I mean to be fair, LeBron was setting up his Heat team for years. Let's not act like this is just KD.


[–]Chapwnis 42 指標 7小時前

Yeah but the difference here man is KD left a successful Thunder team for the best team of all time, after choking horrendously against them, and is now building another one. LeBron left the second worst owner the sport has after carrying them to ECF and NBA finals and getting 0 help lol


[–]justanotherboyy 18 指標 7小時前

No one's saying you can't leave a team or join other players during FA. The issue is you're asking players to demand trades during CONTRACTS which is my problem. There is no sanctity in a contract being signed. PG and Harden were literally under contract for 2+ years with their teams and they can just demand a trade to team up with other players which makes the league unfun. KD+Kyrie=fine. KD+Kyrie+ getting harden when hes contracted =not okay


[–][BOS] Jayson TatumTheBlueLenses 18 指標 6小時前

same reason why i hate how AD forced himself to only the lakers


[–]GrizzliesNotPoIIsen 727 指標 11小時前

KD has probably played with an all star level almost every year of his career.


[–]CelticsFlyingMocko 686 指標 11小時前

You can make an argument he’s played with an MVP candidate for more than half his career


[–]RaptorsRogueRevenger 339 指標 8小時前 

This is why comparing his move to Golden State favorably to LeBron joining Miami has always been funny to me. Early LeBron woulda killed for the caliber of teammates KD had in OKC


[–]ruinatex 174 指標 8小時前

OKC never lacked talent, they lacked chemistry and had a billion injuries that fucked their chances of titles.

2011, 2012 and 2014 they lost to the champs, 2013 was the year Pat Bev recked Russ knee, 2015 was KD's foot and 2016 they lost to a team that won 73 games and had the unanimous MVP.

The comparison with the moves comes from the fact that in both instances, two top 5 players in the game paired up and had a Top 15 guy as a 3rd wheel. There's a reason that LeBron went for the "not 6, not 7" stuff, everybody knew how unfair the Heat was, they just got fucked by a choke job in 2011 and injuries in 2014.

On paper LeBron/Wade/Bosh was supposed to be the greatest big 3 we had ever seen at the time and Vegas had them winning 65 games in their FIRST season together.



[–]RaptorsRogueRevenger 107 指標 7小時前

I agree with the point about them both joining/forming superteams. However, LeBron joined a super team because Cleveland couldn't even put a decent team around him. Durant had Westbrook and Ibaka for most of his time there. LeBron never had anyone near that quality in Cleveland.

The teams they left are nowhere near comparable. That was my point.


[–]PacersKALU42 90 指標 7小時前

Exactly. LeBron also didn’t join a team he blew a 3-1 lead to the year prior, led by the guy who won unanimous MVP over him.


[–]Chatargoon 75 指標 7小時前

Exactly, Lebron didn't team up with the Celts. He created a team to beat them.

KD joined the team that punked his team


[–]PacersKALU42 63 指標 7小時前

Yep. And people want to act like KD had no chance to win in OKC. He was up 3-1 in the conference finals against the greatest regular season team of all time.


[–]WarriorsProudStephew 799 指標 11小時前

I don't get why he made another super team with the nets lol. I thought he left us because of insecurity of being told he's not as good as LeBron since he won with a super team. He got his 2 rings and now he doesn't want to "earn" another one? I was rooting for the nets at the start of the season in the east but now I'm Heat Nation


[–]RaptorsMuglah 425 指標 12小時前

Right? Like I thought that was the whole reason he left GSW..


[–]Minneapolis LakersPardonme23 305 指標 11小時前

He left because everyone loves Steph more than him no matter what. He was the fMVP and all the attention was on Steph at the ring ceremony. Hmm...


[–]Warriorsnot_beniot 285 指標 9小時前

Durant wanted to play with another star, but one that is widely hated, so he can reap the benefits and still be the more-liked one lmao


[–]Heatjewjew15 25 指標 8小時前

Russell Westbrook has entered the chat


[–]HeatMugiwara_JTres3 131 指標 9小時前

Lmaooo KD made sure this time


[–]ZenXw 77 指標 7小時前

I think Harden is getting more love than KD.


[–]indeed_indeed_indeed 3 指標 3小時前

Indeed lool


[–]WarriorsOgow 68 指標 7小時前

And now Harden is everyone’s golden boy on the Nets...


[–]WarriorsProudStephew 73 指標 12小時前

Yeah I still love to guy and I'll be happy to see him get another ring, but why did he leave us then? Did he not like the bay area?


[–]pussyeater17 77 指標 11小時前

I guess it wasn’t “his” team? Curry was the man in GS. I feel that had something to do with it...and whatever issues KD and draymond had probably just added to it.


[–]Warriorsunpluggedcord 140 指標 11小時前

Nets isn’t his team either lol.


[–]pussyeater17 60 指標 11小時前

As a non-nets fan I look at them and I don’t really see them as Kyrie’s team either. It’s more nebulous than in GS where it was clearly Curry’s team


[–]NetsDarkTimes10 153 指標 10小時前

its Harden's team, he's played the most games solo star (no kd, kyrie) than either of the other two stars by far and has contributed the most to their success at this point


[–][LAL] James WorthyChevy_Nova_Forever 112 指標 11小時前

He left because he knew it would never be his team. And having Green tell him they didn’t need him definitely hurt his pride


[–]ThunderHanditoSupreme 94 指標 11小時前

This is Blake's team now.


[–][LAL] James WorthyChevy_Nova_Forever 49 指標 11小時前

We should all agree that when the Nets win it all we should post on all social media’s “Congrats Blake on leading your team to a championship!” Or something like that lol


[–]NickPickle83 13 指標 9小時前

Brooklyn should have a Lob City 2.0 billboard with Blake, DJ and Harden.


[–]teanosip 12 指標 7小時前

And now it’s hardens team lol, guys in the locker room gonna respect the guy who’s actually healthy and winning them games.


[–]LakersAmnestyTHAT 12 指標 9小時前

I don't think he's the one making these moves, lol. He left to play with Kyrie.


[–]76ersKimJongTrill44 38 指標 9小時前

GM: “Yo KD you cool if I surround you with another superstar and a top tier supporting cast?”

KD: “Nah man id rather have a worse team so I can gain the redditors respect”





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